Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fun With Video

I would argue that this qualifies for the blog based on the preponderance of men in short shorts

Bedtime Stories with Abraham Willosby from Joseph Bennett on Vimeo.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

WE DID IT!!!!!



Monday, December 13, 2010

Pee Wee Marries a Fruit.....Salad!

Now I see where I got my ideas about marriage equality - at such an early age!

Haha!  Sittin here watchin the Fashion Police on E!  Joan Rivers FOREVER!  XOXO

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Up From Homophobia

Steve Chapman has an excellent post up about his personal evolution from homophobia as well as repeal of Don't Ask, Don't tell. Do read it.

Before, my notions about gays were uninformed. Confronted with an actual gay person whom I liked, respected and trusted, I was forced to reexamine my prejudices, and they began to crumble.

What happened to me, of course, has happened to millions of other Americans. It's easy to be homophobic if you don't know anyone who is openly gay. But that's true of fewer and fewer people. As gays have become forthright about their sexual orientation, the rest of us have had to assess them not as gays, but as whole human beings.

So I've had gay friends and gay co-workers. I've had lesbian neighbors. I've had gay and lesbian relatives. When one gay relative back in Texas had a wedding—in all but the legal sense—my wife and I attended and found it eerily similar to the straight version. All these experiences have impressed on me the obvious fact that homosexuals are not an alien species.

He points out that the vast, vast majority of respondents to the poll on repealing DADT who believed that they had served with homosexuals overwhelmingly stated that serving with gays had had no effect whatsoever on their units performance: 90% of Army combat units and 84% of Marines felt that it simply didn't matter.


As one "special operations warfighter" quoted in the report said, "We have a gay guy. He's big, he's mean, and he kills lots of bad guys. No one cared that he was gay." I know the feeling.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

All's Fair...

Classically Liberal turns arguments used by the Christianist Right around: 
I know that many born-again Christians want to marry, just like normal people. But I don’t think they should be allowed. As for having them in the military, well would you want to bunk with someone who is constantly preaching Jesus and trying to recruit you?
Of course, we know how these Christians are always trying to recruit children. They even send out buses to pick them up and try to convert them. So clearly we can’t have people like this around kids. I guess we can’t stop them from reproducing on their own, but we sure don’t have to let them adopt, act as foster parents or teach kids. And don’t forget the Scouts, we can’t have people like that around impressionable children.
And really, many of us simply aren’t ready to explain the fundamentalist to our own kids. They might not be old enough to handle this topic. So having these Christians flaunting their lifestyle and throwing their religion in our faces is just too much. We can’t tolerate public displays of fundamentalism. What they do in private is their own business but do they have to say grace in public restaurants? And have you noticed how they throw their religion in our faces on television, at all hours of the day, where impressionable youngsters can see these things?
And the Christian Agenda is just too much for any reasonable person. They want laws that force people to hire them. You can’t discriminate on the basis of religion anymore, not like you used to. You have to rent to these people. Hotels have to admit them just like normal people.
Now look, I’m no bigot. I believe in live and let live just as long as they aren’t forcing me to see them in public or deal with them. And look how they are forcing me to accept them by demanding the right to marry. Some of my best friends are Christians, so I can’t be bigoted. I just don’t think we should treat these people as if they are normal.
 Just sayin'...

By Johnny

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Note!

Hello world, sorry I've been phoning it in lately what with a bunch of animal pish, but I'm gettin' some stuff done outside of the blogosphere.  I'll be back more full-on in a couple weeks!  So in the meantime, more animal pish.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Care and Keeping of the Male Slave

It's so fun to see Buddy Cole interacting outside of the bar, isn't it?  Classic!