Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I stole this photo off of a google images search like 100 years ago, but browsing through my pictures today I realized that the name of this photo was "hat_jessica."  This is funny on too many levels.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Monday Me

My answer to this post.

Actually this was a Monday in Cork, Ireland.  But a Monday nonetheless.  Not pretty.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Pretty much just another day at the office...

Benga — Baltimore Clap from Tempa on Vimeo.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Boyfriend

is totally cute.  AND FUNNY!  I love him a lot a lot.
I think he likes me too.  A little bit.  It's Kiss the Screen Day 2010!


Thursday, November 25, 2010


One of a handful of wonderful Shoppers Drug Mart ads from the 80s featuring Bea Arthur and Santa!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Isn't he wonderful?  Let's all hope his sister has a full recovery!

The Gaydar Gun

Hey all you fabulous fabooshkas!  So there is this guy, Terry Ray, who has invented an amazing product called The Gaydar Gun (a must-have on my Christmas list this year).  It is a "gay detection device" that you point at people and pull the trigger and it measures their percentage of gayness on the "homometer scale" between 0 and 100 percent.  It has lots of funny sayings and things too.  Anyway, he does regular YouTube videos where he takes requests from his subscribers for him to "zap" various celebrities.  The celebrities he zaps run the gamut from the most recent Miley Cyrus, whom he's had to hold off on zapping until she just turned 18, to the recognizable character you will see in the following video.  Let the LOLS begin!

Check out Terry's other hysterical YouTube videos at his channel here.  I promise you, they're all just as funny as this one and you can't help but love him!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Couldn't Wait!

This is just too exciting to wait til Christmas!  When I saw it, I squealed like a little girl!

Click Here To Watch The Video

Monday, November 22, 2010

It Gets Worser.

I know, I know!  We've ALL seen this video clip already.  But I like it.  So for the 234839021384th time, here you go!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
It Gets Worse PSA
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorThe Daily Show on Facebook

Scotland Part 1 - Glasgow and Edinburgh

For some reason, my passport does not have a stamp for the first time I arrived in the United Kingdom.  Is it customary to get a stamp when flying in from Ireland?  I thought so, but maybe I breached security somehow and did not realize it.  Who knows?

Anyway, I arrived in Glasgow early in the morning where I met Craig, my Scottish internet friend, for the first time at the airport.  He had already gone to the airport the night before to meet me, but if you'll remember from my Ireland Part 1 post, I had missed that flight.  So, thank goodness I was able to get a hold of Craig and have him come back the next morning.

We rode the train to the posh West End to Craig's flat - a very nice bachelor pad that he shares with an English doctor.  It was a comfortable place to stay.  This is the view from the room I stayed in...

Craig was nice.  Glasgow is beautiful and full of things to do.  Flowers and trees were blooming, everything was gorgeous and green and it only rained about half the time I was there.

I remember I was a bit intimidated by the traffic on the main streets and confused about the pedestrian crossing signals so it took me a good week before I was brave enough to even cross the street by myself.  My time in Temple Bar, Dublin was much easier to maneuver because the touristy streets there are basically closed off to traffic and you can just walk around freely.  Glasgow, while it is a fabulous place to see, is not the number one tourist destination in Scotland.  It is a big, busy, working city that pretty much can't be bothered.  Unlike that whore Edinburgh!  Just kidding!  (haha)

For the most part, Craig and I knocked around the West End and the City Centre, going to bars, comedy clubs, Curry Karaoke parties,  parks, restaurants and even the Glasgow Science Centre where we rode the elevator up to the top of the tower for a spectacular view of the city.

Breathtaking, isn't it?  That would be the University of Glasgow as the centerpiece of this photo.  Truly a vision!

We went up to Edinburgh by train for an afternoon where we pretty much ran around searching for a pub with seating in the sun so that we could enjoy a few beers.  We found a great spot and I fell in love with the world.  

Oh yeah, and we went up to the castle...

I fell asleep on the train back to Glasgow feeling strangely warm and satisfied.  It was almost as if I had been made sweet love to by the atmosphere.

One of the best things about my trip to Glasgow was meeting Craig's friends who I am proud to now call friends of my own.  You girls know who you are!

I will close for now, but stay tuned for Part 2 and my highlarious adventure to the West Coast of Scotland!

An Oldie but a Goodie!

I love just about everything Michael Moore has ever done, publicly, but this is definitely one of my faves.  I give you Michael Moore and his "Sodomobile"!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dublin Gay Pride Day 2010!

This was my first Gay Pride parade.  I marched.  I blew bubbles.  It was friggin' faboosh!  


I have decided to take my blog in an entirely new direction.  From now on, we're the Gabe Log!  Expect lots of info on gay rights legislation, comics, news and cute pictures of my boyfriend!  Oh and silly stuff like this!

OMG EWAN MCGREGOR.  for realz.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

In Praise of Stickfigures

Hey, we're watching this together! Me and Kacee! And the cat!

Fun with random searches on Youtube. This is what happens if you search "Apple if chocolate smurf"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Video!

A favorite of mine from the animation genius that is Cyriak.  I'll blog more personally soon, but enjoy this in the meantime!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Surprisingly, Not for Children

The first time I say this video was at a party over Halloween weekend. I initially assumed that it was some sort of low-rent, Southeast Asian Teletubby thing.

And I was so terribly, terribly wrong.

However, it is helpful. And soooo.....Kacee are educational programming.
